Sports Philosophy
The athletic program at St. Louis follows the mission of the school to educate our athletes in a positive environment where winning each game is secondary to the emotional and social development of each athlete.
We strive for a positive atmosphere in which each child is taught the fundamentals of good sportsmanship, team play and the basic skills of the game. To this end, while every sport and league does not have a participation requirement, we do strive for each player to gain playing time in every contest.
Each coach is expected to conduct oneself at all times in an appropriate manner remembering that he/she is a representative of St. Louis School and the Diocese of Memphis. The coach should instill the same behavior of his/her players.
A wide variety of team and individual sports are offered to all St. Louis School students and to regular participants in the St. Louis Church Parish Religious Education (PRE) program, in grades JK-8.

5192 Shady Grove Rd, Memphis, TN 38117
Will Coleman - Athletic Director
Tel: 901-255-1966